Mrs. Jasma Sonnier was chosen as Highland Elementary's Teacher of the Year by her colleagues! Mrs. Sonier has 2 years as a Kindergarten public school teacher at Highland. Before that, she was a paraprofessional for 11 years and taught at Head Start for 3 years. Her favorite subject is ELA. Her favorite part other job is "when hands are raised and everyone is so excited to answer." One a personal note, we'd like to share that Mrs. Sonnier is going to be a grandmother (Nah0na) soon!!
East Elementary October - "Students of the Month" #SLPproud
There will be no school tomorrow for Park Vista Elementary students and staff due to a power outage.
COVID Testing Site
Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving Day!
SLPSB Hybrid Schedule for December
SLPSB - December Hybrid Schedule
SLATS and Plaisance Middle school students will not report to school tomorrow due repairs to a water line and possible loss of water at both locations. ALL students will work virtually. Staff will report to work for virtual instruction and food preparation for students .
Family Tech Support #slpBuildingBridgesBeyondBoundaries
COVID-19 Testing Sites
Happy Fall 2020 from SLP Lawtell Early Learning Center
Kindergarten students at East Elementary made crafts for local veterans in honor of Veterans Day. #SLPproud
Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you for your service, SW2 Zachary Broussard! #SLPproud
Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you for your service, Mrs. Crystal Compos! #SLPproud
Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you for your service, Ms. Pamela Clemons! #SLPproud
Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you for your service, Mr. David Crader! #SLPproud
Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you for your service, Ms. Euresha Thompson! #SLPproud
Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you for your service, Coach Bill Sturgis! #SLPproud